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YELLO – OH YEAH vs Ibiza Club Girls

What happens when the sexy club girls of Ibiza, Spain meet the remix of “OH YEAH” by YELLO? Turnt 11…enjoy. SAUCE: – GIoma remix of OH YEAH: – Video is from summer 2008 at the Amnesia Club Dance Party.

Nicole Kidman at the Oscars vs the Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth

Something odd happened at the 2017 Oscars when Nicole Kidman was spotted looking strangely like the famed Pale Man monster from the film Pan’s Labyrinth. Coincidence? —– SUBS ENCOURAGE US! NO LAZY! —– SUBSCRIBE: WEB: TWITTER: ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗…

Winnebago Man [Remix]

The Winnebago Man is the now infamous outtakes from a Winnebago sales video featuring profane outbursts from the salesperson, Jack Rebney. This is the complete original footage with the best possible quality with some lulz thrown in for good measure.

Alan Watts vs the Tree of Life

I’ve taken the best parts of Alan Watts lecture on “Zen Bones and Tales” and mashed it with The Tree of Life CGI animation by WellcomeTrust. The six-minute Tree of Life video famously appeared on the BBC One programme ‘Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life’ narrated by David Attenborough.