Roger Ver vs Bitcoin Error Log Interview [TL;DW]
This is the TL;DW for the soon to be infamous Roger Ver vs Bitcoin Error Log interview conducted Nov. 27th, 2017.
Crypto, Red Pills and Rabbit Holes --> Save 10% on Binance for life
This is the TL;DW for the soon to be infamous Roger Ver vs Bitcoin Error Log interview conducted Nov. 27th, 2017.
Bitcoin reaches $9000 USD! Felt like this was appropriate to mark the occasion.
One of the easiest to understand videos on the fractional reserve banking scam. This animated documentary by Canadian Paul Grignon explains the greatest crime against humanity ever: the perverse Money as Debt system we all know today.
Adam Kokesh visits the bitcoin trading community ‘the Whalepool’ to discuss decentralization, steemit, bitcoin, crypto currencies, and his bid for the US election in 2020.
Interview #3 with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard further exposes the machinations of elite circles with more chilling stories about organ selling, the blood cult, and staying anonymous.
Paradise or Oblivion is a short documentary created by The Venus Project which details the root causes of the systemic failure and detrimental symptoms caused by our broken global economic system. The film advocates a new socio-economic model, utilizing the…
Ulterior States, is a short documentary about bitcoin and blockchain technology from 2015. The film features interviews with many of the people pioneering the blockchain and crypto scene including discussion of the bitcoin soft fork (@ 22:45).
2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty so I remastered from VHS one of the best documentaries on the subject: “The Loss of Liberty”. This in-depth documentary includes interviews with high-ranking Israeli military officers.
David Icke interview from early 2017 in which he discusses the nature of reality including the phantom self, societal programming, synchronicity, and the manipulation of perception. 30 straight minutes of Red Pills.