A compilation of Richard Stallman’s best & worst moments with added lulz. Richard Stallman (RMS) has a massive cult following with alpha geeks, and with good reason, he did some of the heavy lifting concerning the GNU suite of free programs available on every *nix/GNU Linux distro. Stallman is brilliant but he’s also quite a character and known to speak his mind openly. While I added some goofy images to the video for fun, and even footage of the epic freak out, I just want to point out that I am a devout follower of RMS and no ill will is meant to Mr. Stallman in any way. I know some of these are embarrassing but being a bit of a character is so much better than being dull or boring.

0:16 – I’ve never installed GNU Linux.
0:40 – iBad / Apple comments.
3:55 – May I introduce tonight’s speaker.
4:24 – Can everyone hear me?
4:44 – Did something with GNU.
5:23 – You’re getting it wrong!
5:58 – Stallman cringing.
6:20 – Stallman freaks out. Hard to watch.
10:06 – Removing a Windows license sticker.
10:56 – infamous foot eating incident.
12:12 – Stallman on facebook in 2012.
13:11 – Another butchered intro. This one explains his ideology.

Thumbs up if you treasure RMS!

Stallman’s views on free software vs open source software are very profound and mirror the differences between free (as in freedom) and free (as in beer). More on that here: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/31717/what-do-the-phrases-free-speech-vs.-free-beer-really-mean/

Richard Stallman’s website: https://stallman.org (feels like 1997, so sooooothing)

Best of Stallman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpAKasXdrXI
Stallman on iBads & Apple: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGkNiRFwmOg
Stallman on free software: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR0rrXMJreM
Richard Stallman Freaks Out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jskq3-lpQnE
Richard Stallman Eats Something From His Foot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I25UeVXrEHQ


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