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Alan Watts: Life and Music

This is the 3rd in a series of 3 videos featuring part of a lecture by Alan Watts and animated by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame. This is the best of the 3 videos that were made in my opinion.

Alan Watts: Prickles and Goo

This is the 2nd in a series of 3 videos featuring part of a lecture by Alan Watts and animated by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame. In this video Alan Watts discusses how some personalities are prickly and some gooey, but that most people are a combination of the two.

Alan Watts: Apples

This is the 1st in a series of 3 videos featuring part of a lecture by Alan Watts and animated by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame. In this video Alan Watts discusses whether humans are the Earth’s fruit the same way apples are the fruit of the apple tree.